- This Web Site is intended to help Albanian Community from Plave-Guci region in USA/New York Tri State Area, to keep updated with current affairs and stay in touch with one another via World Wide Web.
- We also would like to help all Albanian proprietors by make it possible and easy to promote as well as do business with each other. You businesses need exposure and we are here for you free of any charge to post your promotion and link it to your web pages.
- If you do not have a Web Presence/Web Site we can help you by making you one special page for a small moderate charge where 50% of that will be donated to our Plave Guci Foundation. It will be hosted throughout a year free of charge.
- We can also make you any professional Web Site for a very moderate charge, 25% of that will be donated to Plave Guci Foundation, by doing so you'll help your business and help our foundation grow.